Community Human Identity, Charlois, Rotterdam (2009-2011)

Community Human Identity, Charlois, Rotterdam (2009-2011)

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This project was run and was talking about Charlois, a district in the south part of Rotterdam with a high concentration of immigrants and issues related to criminality and low incomes and education.

  • Modern murals to make reflect about modern and social issues - Jupiterfab

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In there, I created two permanent murals in different areas of the district in different periods, in collaboration with the local city-hall district, Hommes Foundation, Vestia, B.a.d Foundation the most important building corporation in Rotterdam and other local organizations.

The idea was to immortalize the uniqueness and the human identity of this neighborhood to strengthen the sense of integration between the citizens and to give a better note and to show positive things about this area.

We published a limited editions book about the project. Hereby you can see some pages

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The idea came out during a 6 months residence in B.A.D Foundation, in Charlois.
During this period, between January and June 2009 I had constant connections with the art scene and the artists who lived in Charlois (big community) and with common people, as well. Most of them were coming from different backgrounds and different countries. I had the opportunity to breath the astonishing atmosphere of this place, a melting pot of different ethnicities, a spot rich and proud of its past history, and also an area which is living in a period of transition, really orientated to the future and to the renovation.

The entire work were made of:

  • 2 murals
  • one book explaining the entire project and with several interviews to inhabitants of Charlois
  • One video installation made by the Portuguese artist, Patricia Sousa.